August 26, 2024: 2024.826.1

New Features

  • No new features in this release


  • Case LIB-497 Updated support for BCCLS (New Jersey) catalogs using iiivega
    The BCCLS catalog was updated to use a new iiivega powered ILS, but required some special configuration to support.

Bug Fixes

  • Case LIB-490 Fix support for Polaris on Manifest V3 extensions
    Polaris catalogs were incorrectly returning an incorrect value on an 'exact match', which was likely to happen when searching by ISBN (and one of the default behaviors). This has been fixed in this version.
  • Case LIB-491 Fix select/unselect all on the site screen
    The button allowing users to select or unselect all sites was incorrectly only updating the very last item in the list. This has been fixed in this version.
  • Case LIB-496 Fix support for Biblionix on Manifest V3 extensions
    A miss on the original migration of code to supporting Manifest V3, Biblionix catalogs were not returning results properly. This has been fixed in this version.

Known Issues

  • OCLC catalogs are no longer supported due to changes in how searches require authentication
    If your library uses an OCLC catalog, the functionality is currently broken and we are unable to provide an estimate for any fixes.

One more thing...

The Library Extension is provided at no cost, but it still takes time and effort to make this tool available to you. Consider supporting the Library Extension with a contribution to ensure that we can continue to bring these updates to everyone!

Please consider visiting our support page here and becoming a project supporter.

Last updated August 26, 2024