August 6, 2024: 2024.806.1

New Features

  • No new features in this release


  • Major rewrite to support Google's Manifest V3 requirements
    Google started a project to change how browser extensions work in their browser. This project, often referred to as Manifest V3 (referencing the version number used in the file that describes an extension), required major rethinking and reimplementation of portions of the Library Extension. Users may already have noticed warnings in Google's Chrome indicating the many extensions are "not following best practices" and may soon be discontinued. Those messages are related to this mandated effort by Google. These changes took longer than originally hoped, in part due to the complexity of maintaining support for other browsers (such as Firefox). ** Note - this version continues to have some issues with the Manifest V3 environment and will be replaced with another version as soon as a fix is ready

Bug Fixes

  • Case LIB-476 Fixed support for Kobo Plus
    Kobo Plus had made some changes to their page layout. The updated layout is now supported with this version of the Library Extension

Known Issues

  • OCLC catalogs are no longer supported due to changes in how searches require authentication
    If your library uses an OCLC catalog, the functionality is currently broken and we are unable to provide an estimate for any fixes.

One more thing...

The Library Extension is provided at no cost, but it still takes time and effort to make this tool available to you. Consider supporting the Library Extension with a contribution to ensure that we can continue to bring these updates to everyone!

Please consider visiting our support page here and becoming a project supporter.

Last updated August 6, 2024