March 21, 2023: 2023.321.1

New Features

  • No new features in this release


  • Users can enable Libby (instead of Overdrive) for their libraries
    A new setting under the 'General Settings' has been added (near the bottom of the list) that allows users to enable Libby instead of Overdrive for all eligible digital catalog. Libby is the replacement application for libraries that offer this service. This Beta switch will eventually be enabled for all users, but users eager to start early can now enable or disable this feature at will.

    Note: this feature was previously mentioned in 2023.313.1, however was not functioning properly in that release.

Bugs Fixed

  • No bug fixes in this release

Known Issues

  • OCLC catalogs are no longer supported due to changes in how searches require authentication

In Case You Missed It

  • The Library Extension now has the ability to display multiple matching results for physical catalogs

One more thing...

The Library Extension is provided at no cost, but it still takes time and effort to make this tool available to you. Consider supporting the Library Extension with a contribution to ensure that we can continue to bring these updates to everyone!

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