August 11, 2019: 2019.811.1

New Features

  • No new features in this release


  • The layout of the Extension results has been improved in the following ways:
    • White space has been reduced. This should be most useful for users with many libraries enabled.
    • Icons added to indicate the type of material that has been found

      You can turn these off if you do not want them, just click on the Books icon and choose 'General Settings' and choose 'No I don't want any icons' from the last configuration option

    • When searching, results will not be displayed until all catalogs have finished loading. This should reduce 'jumping results' on the page
    • You can hover over the result title to see which catalog is returning the result
    • The results are sorted alphabetically by binding type
  • Libraries with SirsiDynix catalogs and with LS2Pac catalogs can now return results on pages that show audiobooks as the primary item. This capability will be extended to libraries using other catalog types as well in the near future.
  • Some miscellaneous CSS layout improvements, including making some of the text smaller so it fits better within the pages that the extension is displayed on
  • We've updated the configuration page to allow you to select settings from a list, rather than click a button to toggle the setting.
  • Lots of behind the scenes work to improve the performance and maintainability of the extension. The UI and background pages are being updated to take advantage of newer browser capabilities.
  • Removed third-party libraries and content that were no longer being used as part of the Extension

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a problem with searching for titles that are part of collections, and have a common component. For example, if a (completely made up) title was called 'Mandrake Mysteries: The Case of the Missing Vase', the extension would search first for 'Mandrake Mysteries' which could return other matching titles instead of the intended result. The extension now tries to search for the full title before trying smaller subsets of the title. Thanks to Julie P for reporting this bug.
  • Libraries with Encore catalogs would not match results properly for items listed as Graphic Novels. Thanks to Julie P for reporting this bug.
  • Fixed a problem where libraries and websites would have titles that include collection information in different positions (sometimes the series name would be at the front, and the title would be secondary). The Extension will do a better job of matching in these cases now.

Known Issues

  • New Auto-Graphics catalogs are not yet supported
  • The Pause Mode button is not displaying currently; you can use On-Demand mode to get a similar behavior

    Pause mode will be replaced by On-Demand mode altogether in an upcoming release

In Case You Missed It

  • Our recent release 2019.811.1 was a big one! Read about the changes in that release here
  • That release was followed up with release 2019.814.1! Read about the changes in that release here
  • We recently disabled our Google Analytics integration, as part of some feedback from the Mozilla Add Ons team. This does mean that we have less visibility in the mean time around which sites and libraries are being used and which ones may have problems. We hope to have a new system ready in the near future to report directly to our servers about which libraries are in use, and which features are being used, to aid in determining what areas of the product to improve

One more thing...

The Library Extension is provided at no cost, but it still takes time and effort to make this tool available to you. Consider supporting the Library Extension with a contribution to ensure that we can continue to bring these updates to everyone!

Please consider visiting our support page here and becoming a project supporter.

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